Payment via Paypal Procedure

  1. Before you make any payment, give us a call at              6762-1546 or 9010-3525 or send us a Whatsapp message/ sms to 9010-3525
  2. We will update you with the exact amount to pay
  3. This is vital as some of you may have tuition vouchers which can be used to offset your fees
  4. Once you are advised on the amount , enter the amount in the ‘Amount’ box below and follow the instructions that follow
  5. There will be a 4% administration charges on the fees
  6. Once the payment is made, you will receive an email from Paypal that the payment is successful
  7. Paypal will notify us too
  8. From there, we will print the receipt and it will be handed over to your child during the next lesson
  9. We will also send you a Whatsapp message to acknowledge the payment too
  10. Thank you for your cooperation

Amount: SGD

Termination Procedure

  • you may come down to our centre at Fajar Road to fill in the termination form
  • or simply download and fill in the termination form, then scan and email to
  • We will proceed to contact you about the best means to refund your deposit , either via cheque or to offset from the fees.
  • To qualify for the refund, this notification of termination has to be handed in during the grace period
  • Click here  to download the Planner 2017 which shows when the grace periods are.
  • The shaded areas in the Planner 2017 are the grace periods
  • If the notification is submitted during these grace periods, refund of deposit is made possible
  • Otherwise, the refund will be forfeited
  • To savage your deposit, we suggest that you continue for another term, reduce the amount of subjects enrolled thereby reducing your cost, and use the deposit to offset the balance of the fees
  • Do give us a call at 6762-1546 or 9010-3525 for more details